Friday, February 2, 2007

So What's This All About?

I've done some journaling in my life and have enjoyed being able to process some of my thoughts and journeys in a more private arena. Lately I have been able to read some of my friends blog's and I see how articulate and well written and put together they are and I tend to get a little intimidated by their way with words. This has kept me from posting blogs I guess cause in a way I feel that I don't have much to say or if I did why would anyone want to take the time to read it in the first place. I honestly don't know what to think of this blog thing. I like reading other peoples but to think that I have may have something to say or for others to engage in what I'm going through seems pretty crazy to me.

So I have no idea what this blog thing is going to be like for me so I thought well I'll give it a shot and see where it takes me. Like I said I've done journaling before but for the most part those entries have been for my eyes only. I'm going to sort of take you throught the past which has now brought me to the present. Well with that said here I go.

It's A Matter Of The Heart. This is my blog about my journey with my Mom and her struggling with congestive heart failure and her journey of kidney failure which has led to dialysis four times a week. I'm going to use the blog to share with you all the challenges we have been through together over the last six months. This has been and continues to be a day to day adventure. I see each day as a gift with her. So let me bring you up to speed as to what has brought us to this process together.

I moved back in with my Mom back in July of 2006 and became her primary care giver. My four older brothers are around and help a lot but I've taken on the roll to be with her as much as I can on a daily basis. She has to go to dialysis four times a week. We started with only having to go three times but due to some further complications Mom is needing a little jump start in order to get her through the weekend. So she goes in on Saturday's for a two hour mini-dialysis.

I'm so blessed to have such an amazing Mom she continues to be such an inspiration and source of encouragement to me. I aim to give a voice to this journey that I've been on with her over the last six months. As much of a journey that this has been for my Mom and me together in dealing with her sickness, this has also been a reawkening of sorts for me as I also process and deal with some healing of my own. I'm not a very disciplined person so this blog will be hard for me to keep updated and on-going for that matter, but I'll do my best. So I'm going to hit publish now and my first blog will be live and if anything I'll atleast I will see it...It's A Matter of The Heart will reflect not only my Mom's congestive heart failure (CHF) and kidney disease but also my own heart's journey with her.

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